Falkland Islands Courts & Tribunals Service


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Court List

Whenever possible, the court list will be updated by 4 pm each Friday, providing details of listings for the following week. 

The Criminal Procedure Rules prevent the court from providing details of criminal cases for a period of time longer than seven days and you may need to check back regularly for full details of criminal cases. The Courts and Tribunals Service endeavours to provide lists which are free of errors but gives no warranty as to their accuracy.

Changes to the list may be made at short notice at the discretion of the Court. Where amendments to listings take place after the list has been published, the Courts and Tribunals Service will endeavour to ensure these amendments are made available to the public as soon as practicable.

Date & Time





Week commencing 29 July 2024

There are currently no listings for this week.

Weekly Summary

Weeks commencing: 22 July 2024

Application to Transfer Part V Licence

The application of Bonita Goodwin to transfer the Part V licence in respect of The Farm House, Carcass Island was successful.

R v Tyler Hobman

Mr Hobman appeared in respect of 2 counts of sexual activity with a child contrary to section 211(1) of the Crimes Ordinance 2014.  The case was adjourned to allow Mr Hobman time to seek legal advice and/or representation.  The Justices of the Peace felt it was in the interests of justice to allow Mr Hobman time to seek legal advice and/or representation due to the serious nature of the charges.  The case has been adjourned until 9am on Wednesday 7 August 2024.






Notice under the Administration of Estates Ordinance 1949

TAKE NOTICE THAT Connie May also called Connie Noama May of 9 Kent Road, Stanley, Falkland Islands, died on the 31st day of May, 2024.

WHEREAS Jacqueline Denice Anita Morrison as lawful attorney for Bruce Raymond May has applied for Letters of Administration to administer the estate of the said deceased in the Falkland Islands.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 4 of the Administration of Estates Ordinance to all persons resident in the Falkland Islands who may have prior claim to such grant that the prayer of the Petitioner will be granted provided no caveat be entered in the Supreme Court within 21 days of the publication hereof.

Aisha de Four


Supreme Court

12th July 2024

Ref: PRO/16/24

JP: More Information & Applications

More information about serving as a Justice of the Peace and having an employee who is a Justice of the Peace is available below.

Guide for Employers

Serving as a JP

JP Recruitment: Candidate Information

Justice of the Peace: Application Form

If you have further queries, please feel free to contact us on enquiries@courts.gov.fk

The Judiciary of the Falkland Islands

The Courts of the Falkland Islands

The Summary Court is a court of summary jurisdiction.

Judges: Justices of the Peace, advised by Legal Adviser, addressed as 'Your Worship' or 'Sir/Madam'.

Criminal proceedings: summary offences, maximum sentencing powers are 6 months imprisonment and/or £5,000 fine

Family Proceedings: applications relating to children except any application or order involving the administration or application of any property belonging to or held in trust for a child, or the income of any such property.

Civil claims: jurisdiction to deal with civil matters commenced by complaint.

Other proceedings:

  • Employment
  • Licensing

The Magistrate's Court is a court of summary jurisdiction with some appellate jursidiction.

Judge: Senior Magistrate, addressed as 'Your Honour'.

Criminal proceedings: summary offences, maximum sentencing powers are any period of imprisonment and/or a fine of any amount.

Family proceedings: jusridiction to deal with all matters except divorce/dissolution/judical separation/annulment.

Civil claims: actions up to the value of £50,000

Appellate jurisdiction:

  • Building Control Ordinance 1994
  • Children Ordinance 2014
  • Communications Ordinance 2017
  • Dangerous Goods Ordinance 1987
  • Electoral Ordinance 1988
  • Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance 1987
  • Licensing Ordinance 1994
  • Prohibited Goods Ordinance 1992
  • Road Traffic (Provisional) Regulations Order 1986

The Supreme Court is a court of unlimited jurisdiction and is a court of record.

Judges: Chief Justice or Acting Judge, addressed as 'My Lord/My Lady'.

Criminal proceedings: The Supreme Court has two jurisdictions in criminal proceedings;

1) Court of First Instance for indictment offences.  The Judge may sit alone or with a Jury.  Sentencing powers are unlimited.

2) Appeallate jurisdiciton from the Summary Court or the Magistrate's Court.  Appeals are on the papers, not a re-hearing.

Family proceedings: The Supreme Court has two jursidictions in family proceedings;

1) Court of First Instance for divorce/dissolution/judicial separation/annulment also for matters which require the use of the court's inherent jurisdiciton (e.g. Wardship).

2) Appellate jurisdiction from the Summary Court or the Magistrate's Court.

Civil proceedings:

  • Claims over £50,000
  • Probate
  • Judicial Review
  • Constitutional References
  • Admiralty
  • Bankruptcy
  • Court of Protection

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is the highest appeal court for the Falkland Islands.  It sits in the Supreme Court in London and is usually presided over by Justices of The Supreme Court.

For more information click here

The Coroner's Court is a court of inquiry into deaths.

Judge: His Majesty's Coroner

The purpose of the Coroner's Court is to enquire into sudden, unexpected or violent deaths. 

There is no appeal from the Coroner's Court but it may be possible for the Supreme Court to review decisions of HM Coroner.

Contact Us

Public Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday

9.30am - 11.30am & 1.30pm - 3pm


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday

8am - 12pm & 1pm-4.30pm


Contact Details

Email: enquiries@courts.gov.fk

Telephone: (+500) 27271

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Community Engagement

Please contact us about community engagement events for schools, youth clubs or informative evenings.