Civil Judgments

Publishing Policy for Court Judgments and Tribunal Decisions

Judgments will be published in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the page.  Key words have been included to assist with searches.


The Attorney General for the Falkland Islands v Teslyn Barkman [2023], [2024] 2 LRC 418

Supreme Court

Constitutional Reference - Disqualification for Election - Qualification for Voters - Interpretation of 'is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign Power or State' (sections 29(1)(a) and 32(2)(e) of the Falkland Islands Consitution Order 2008)

Attorney General v Barkman [2023]


R (Unity Marine Ltd) v (1) Director of Natural Resources (2) The Governor of the Falkland Islands (3) Executive Council of the Government of the Falkland Islands

Supreme Court

Judicial Review - Application to Set Aside Leave

R (UML) v (1) DNR (2) HEG (3)ExCo [2023] 


Sentinel Marine Falkland Islands Limited v Commissioner of Taxation [2022]

Court of Appeal

Ring Fenced Trade - Double Taxation Agreement

Sentinel Marine Falkland Islands Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2022]  


R (on the application of Fowler) v (1) The Principal Immigration Offiver and (2) His Excellency the Governor of the Falkland Islands [2021]
R (on the application of Coleman) v (1) The Principal Immigration Offiver and (2) His Excellency the Governor of the Falkland Islands [2021]

Supreme Court

Judicial Review - Immigration Ordinance - Work Permits

(1) R (Fowler) & (2) R (Coleman) v (1) PIO & (2) HE The Governor FI [2021]


Fry v Her Majesty's Attorney General for the Falkland Islands [2020]

Magistrate's Court

Civil Appeal - Quarantine Restrictions - Public Health

Fry v HM Attorney General FI [2020]


R (on the application of Fowler) v (1) Director of Emergency Services and Islands Security for the Falkland Islands and (2) The Governor In Council [2020]

Supreme Court

Judicial Review - Immigration Ordinance - Work Permits - Interim Relief

R (Fowler) v (1) DESIS and (2) Governor in Coucil [2021]


R (on the application of SGF Limited) v The Director of Fisheries of the Government of South Georgia & The South Sandwich Islands [2018]

Supreme Court

Judicial Review - Fishing Licence - Application to Set Aside Leave

R (SGF Ltd) v Director of Fisheries GSGSSI [2018]


Geophysical Service Incorporated v Her Majesty in Right of Her Government Of The Falkland Islands [2018]

Court of Appeal

Exploration Licence - Construction of Licence - Whether Licence Is Public Law Instrument

GSI v FIG [2018]     


Geophysical Service Incorporated v Her Majesty in Right of Her Government Of The Falkland Islands [2018]

Court of Appeal

Costs - Issues On Appeal - Whether Unsuccessful Party Entitled To Costs In Respect Of Secondary Arguments Raised

GSI v FIG [2018] (costs)


Commissioner of Taxation v A [2017]

Supreme Court

Income Taxation - 'Ordinarily Resident' For The Purposes Of Taxation - Exercise Of Commissioner's Discretion As To Absences From The Jurisdiction

Commissioner of Taxation v A [2017]


Geophysical Service Incorporated v Her Majesty in Right of Her Government Of The Falkland Islands [2016]

Supreme Court

Exploration Licence - Construction Of Licence - Whether Licence Is A Public Law Instrument

Geophysical Service Incorp. v HM Falkland Islands Government [2016]


(1) McKay & (2) Turner v Chief Of Police [2015]

 Magistrate's Court

Firearms Licensing - Appeal Against Revocation Or Refusal To Grant Or Renew A Licence - Appeal Procedure

McKay & Turner v Chief of Police [2015]


Re A & B [2013]

Supreme Court

Family Law - Wardship

Re A and B [2012]


Re A & B [2013]

Supreme Court

Family Law - Publication of Judgments - Public Interest In Publication

 Re: A and B (Judgment on publication) [2012]


R (on the application of Quark Fishing Limited) v The Director of Fisheries of The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwhich Islands [2012]

Supreme Court

Fisheries - Licences - Whether Applicant Has Legitimate Expection That Criteria For Grant Would Not Be Altered Without Prior Consultation

R (Quark Fishing Ltd) v Director of Fisheries GSGSSI [2012]     

R (on the application of Copemar SA & Beauchene Fishing Company Limited) v The Director of Fisheries of The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwhich Islands [2011]

Supreme Court

Costs - Indemnity Costs - No Award Where Paying Party Not On Notice Of Application

R (Copemar SA & Beauchene Fishing Co Ltd) v Director of Fisheries GSGSSI [2011]


South Atlantic Marine Services Limited v The Director Of Fisheries Of The Falkland Islands [2007]

Supreme Court

Fisheries - Fisheries Disputes Commission - Whether Commission Has Jurisdiction To Review Percentage Quota Allocation

SAMS v Director of Fisheries [2007]


R (on the application of Isla Alegranza SA) v The Director of Fisheries of The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwhich Islands [2006]

Supreme Court

Fisheries - Licences - Lawfulness Of Allocation Policy Based On Rewarding States Supportive Of United Kingdom's Policy Objectives

R (Isla Alegranza SA) v Director of Fisheries GSGSSI [2006]


R (on the application of Bingham) v Her Majesty's Attorney General For The Falkland Islands [2003]

Supreme Court

Falkland Islands Status - Freedom Of Expression - Constitutional Requirement For Freedom Of Expression To Be Respected In Determining Application For Falkland Islands Status;

The Governor - Constitutional Convention - Governor Not Required To Act In Accordance With Advice Of Executive Council

R (Bingham) v HM Attorney General FI [2003]


Middleton v R [1999]

Supreme Court (Reference)

Employment Protection - Exclusion Of Public Servants From Pursuing Claims Under Employment Protection Ordinance - Whether Exclusion Compatible With Constitution

Middleton v R [1999]


Steen v Anderson, Clingham & Attorney General [1995]

Supreme Court

Tort - Fatal Accident - Damages

Steen v Anderson, Clingham and AG for FI 1995

Teal Inlet Limited and Trustees & Members of the Falkland Islands Angling Club v Executors of the Estate of Adrian Henry Frederick Newman [1992]

Supreme Court

Land Law - Easements - Riparian Ownerership

(1) Teal Inlet Ltd & (2) Trustees & Members of FI Angling Club v Estate of A Newman [1992]  


Falkland Islands Comapny v R [1864]

Judical Committee Of the Privy Council

Wild animals - Right to capture - Grant from Crown

FIC v R 1864